Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Polite Umbrella

The polite umbrella is a shrinkable umbrella that enables users to morph its shape in order to reduce occupied space and increase user maneuverablity. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Photoshop Tutorial 101

Is this not the worst contour you have ever seen? This leaftlet I found for a Bed & Breakfast cracks me up. Looks like the dog has been done with a pair of scissors... wait... in fact... it has! LOL

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Like

We got this beautiful book Iggy Peck Architect by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts from the NGV in Melbourne. Its got the best story and illustrations about a little boy with a passion for architecture and building things.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Big Day Out

Aaron & Mr Moo
Me & Mr Moo
Meegs & Gussa
It was a big day
Annie & Todd

On Sunday we went to Cheesefest 08 in Rymill Park. It was a beautiful warm spring day. Aaron, Mr Moo and I got there and bagged a good possie with a table and lots of chairs before it got too busy. Megan and Hewy, Angus and Todd and Annie all came. It was good just sitting in the sun drinking wine and eating cheese with friends. First time BF'ing in public and it went okay...a bit of muslin covered us up well. The warm day and relaxed atmosphere made me start to really look forward to summer when we will be able to get out and about heaps with Mr Moo. He enjoyed sitting in his pram looking out at everything and getting passed around. He slept well last night so all the fresh air must have done him good.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I rediscovered a bag of coloured threads the other day. They belonged to Aaron's Auntie Bella, who passed away a few years ago...a life of thrift. She had loads of zips and buttons also saved. I was fortunate enough to inherit them. Beautiful.

Yoga & Shopping

Today has gone in a flash. This morning while Mr Moo slept (briefly) I ran around and did all my jobs - dishes, shower, rubbish out, car out of the garage, made bed etc. Life with a baby means you are always thinking 3 steps ahead. We went to yoga class for the second time and Mr Moo was really good, laid on his mat quietly for most of the class and just got a bit upset towards the end when all the other babies were starting to get vocal too... it was like a chorus of babies. And funny how in a room of 8 or so crying babies you can still pick out your own baby's voice. Afterwards we managed a quick trip round the supermarket, well sort of. I kept getting stopped by old ladies wanting to admire and talk about my baby. Even the checkout chick got in on the act. Here is how a trip to the supermarket goes...park car, open boot and get out pram, get out bag, put keys down, get baby out of car and into pram, lock car, do shopping, stuff all groceries in bottom of pram, back to car, put baby in car, dismantle pram, get shopping out or pram, put shopping in car, put pram in car, shut boot, drive home and repeat above process minus the shopping bit to get inside the house. Phew! Just waiting for Aaron to come home so we can have cocktail hour....aaah.