Saturday, January 3, 2009

Diary of Wee Ned

Ned will be 5 months old tomorrow and it's amazing to think of how far he has come in 5 short months. Just last Saturday he got his first tooth, on the bottom left, which was soon followed by another right next to it. They are only just poking through at the moment, like little white pearls in his pink gums. We wonder how long they will take to pop up completely. He can also now sit up straight and play with his toys on the floor, he can't push himself up to sitting yet, but once you sit him on his bottom he will play quite happily for ages. We have had a few falling backwards mishaps though = many tears and sobbing. Rolling over to his left has been perfected in one lovely graceful movement but the same can't be said for rolling to the right, or rolling back for that matter, so he has to be rescued from time to time when he gets stranded on his stomach = much grunting. His is our regular little sleeper now too...we keep it boring for him, 7pm = bath, feed, book and bed which keeps him going through till about 4am. After a quick feed we can usually get another 3 or 4 hours out of him. What a super-baby!